Howdy, here’s a bit about us.

A hip flask is an adventurer’s keepsake, an old, worn thing tucked into the hem of a boot or the back of a pack, nestled beside a six-shooter or a sword. Not a necessity, but a companion. A comfort on a long road. Carried by someone with a twinkle in their eye, a wry smile, and a handful of scars, each with a story of its own.

We create games for wanderers, walkabouters, and for those who take the long way around, who find joy in the unexpected.

We believe in narrative-first, exploration-driven development, crafting worlds littered with handcrafted morsels of wonder and discovery. Our games are made to be well-worn. Like a leather bag or a boots weathered by countless journeys, they develop a patina all their own, rich with the marks of the stories you leave behind.

So, join us. Sit by the fire. Take a sip from the flask. And let us tell you a story.